Tips for Staying Energised at University

By on November 12th, 2018


If the cooler weather, darker mornings and shorter evenings leave you feeling unmotivated to stay active and keep your energy levels up, our top 5 tips are here to help…

1. Get Moving
If you find yourself feeling tired during the day, take a brisk walk or go for a run in the cool fresh air to wake you up and boost your mood. Doing a bit of exercise each day will set you up nicely for a good sleep at night.

2. Set 1 Alarm
If you’re guilty of setting multiple alarms and hitting snooze every time – stop! Relying on the snooze button can actually make you more tired and put you in a groggy mood for the rest of the morning.

3. Make Evening Plans
As the sun starts to set earlier and earlier each day, you might feel like your evenings are getting shorter. Make evenings plans with friends or dedicate some time to a hobby – this way you’ll feel more productive and less like a couch potato.

4. Boost Your Immune System
The season of colds, flu and generally feeling under the weather is upon us! Stock up on multi-vitamins, fresh fruit and veg and cut-back on any unhealthy habits.

5. Start a New Hobby
Be inspired by the season and take up a new hobby or personal project alongside your studies. A few ideas include; up-cycling, painting, knitting, the gym or a fitness class to keep you mentally and physically energised!

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